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  • Clarindo Almeida

The victory in Jericho

To be a winner we must go on a battle. You can not win a contest you need to defeat an opponent.

Are you in a battle? Do you have a battle that must be won in your life?

Are you facing giants that must be defeated? What giants are them? Which enemies do you have to overcome these days? Finances? Diseases? Relationship? Sin?

Today we are going to learn with a warrior how to get the victory. We are going to learn with a man of God how to defeat our enemy, how to be strong in the Lord.

How are you feeling at this very moment? Weak or Strong?

Slave: Joshua was born in Egypt at the time that Israel was a slave there. His parents were slaves, his destiny was to continue as a slave there… dying in slavery!

What else could he say? Israel had been there for 400 years…

Maybe this is the same feeling you have right now… you are a slave… slave of your addictions, diseases, financial problems, bad marriage …

Joshua saw great miracles being performed before his eyes and on that terrifying night when the tenth plague happened he could see God’s hands upon his life. On that night, all the eldest sons who lived in a house that the blood sign wasn’t seen by the angel when passing by in Egypt died.

He was following a great leader: Moses and he did from his young age – in the book of Numbers 11:28 you can see this.

God spoke to Joshua through Moses many times – Exodus 17:8-15

- Moses gave him directions and he obeyed.

He understood that Moses had a close relationship with God and that’s why he could trust in Moses and a man of God.

Moses, as well, recognized that he needed Joshua.

He was Moses right-hand and God sent messages to him using his leader Moses.

He was dependent of Moses and he learned and had many spiritual experiences with Moses.

Joshua Steps to Conquer to the Victory

First – Learn spiritual things from someone who has more experience than you. Be close to your leader, follow him, and ask him things that you don’t know. Ask him to pray for and with you…

Second Have your own experience with God, with the Lord – In Joshua 1:2 God spoke to Joshua “Moses is dead”.

Third – Believe that God will give you the victory if you believe in Him – Joshua 1:6, 7.

Fourth – Walk in God’s word – don’t make your own way – Joshua 1:7

God understand our human weaknesses – our fears, anxieties – That’s why He said to Joshua 4 times: “Be strong and courageous”

Fifth – Believe in God’s promises – He’s faithful to His word

When Caleb and Joshua returned from Canaan (the Promised Land) they had a positive opinion about what they seen. They were not afraid of the giants they had seen in the land. They believed God had given them the land. Numbers 14: 7-9

They said:

- The Lord will give us the land

- Do not rebel against the Lord

- Do not fear the people of the land (your enemy)

- The Lord is with us.

They didn’t believe in themselves but in God – Joshua’s name was originally Hosea, which means salvation, but it was c hanged to Joshua, which means The Lord is my salvation.

Sixth – Use God’s weapons – The Israelites had to march around Jericho for 7 days.

On the first 6 days they marched around Jericho for one time, but o the 7th day, they marched 7 times and then they shouted the victory shout.

Even not knowing how God would give them the victory, they obeyed the Lord. This is FAITH.

They trusted and obeyed God and got the victory.

What about you today? How can you be victorious today?

- Be strong and courageous –

- God will be with you – “Just as I have been with Moses, I will be with you. Joshua 1:3,5

- Believe and do whatever God asks you to do – This is called have faith

- Have a close relationship with the Lord –

- Be prepared for the battle.

- Cross the Jordan – enter in the promised land –

If you felt challenged today to face your giants and overcome them I would like to ask you to pray with me right now, taking a position of winner.

Lord Jesus, help me to win this battle. Be with me as you were with Moses and Joshua.

You have conquered my victory at the cross and I believe in you. In your precious name. Amen.

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